
Certificate of Donation for the protection of the Amazon Rainforest-Lung of the World

For -------------------

The Amazon has a tropical climate with torrential rains and high temperatures that favor the development and growth of thick and exuberant vegetation. Trees, plants of different species and classes grow and favor the natural development of micro-organic fauna as centuries ago.

The floral population turns it into a gigantic natural apparatus that absorbs millions of tons of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. By reducing the global amount of this planet-warming greenhouse gas, we help slow climate change. At the same time it generates tons of oxygen for our subsistence.

An important factor is that the Amazon represents 20% of the world’s fresh water, a vital resource for human subsistence. The Amazon pours its waters into the Gulf Stream and with this it is the regulator of the climate of the European continent.

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, covering nine countries with 5,500,000 km2 of forest cover. Also, it is bigger than all the other rainforests put together.

The Amazon region has a large number of natural resources and is home to more than 1,000 different species of birds and more than 40,000 species of plants and trees; Animals of different species live here, which is why it is considered the most biodiverse forest on the planet.

The donation associated with this certificate helps protect the Amazon rainforest from imminent destruction, contributes to the reforestation of areas converted to monoculture and destroyed.

Together with you, Planetlungs can help save this precious paradise from the world.

We sincerely thank you for your help and wish you the best.


every tree counts



Vice-President and Legal Representative of Germany